De Lessen

Regular lessons

We train in the same way as in Japan. During the training, various clamping, throwing, hitting, punching and falling techniques are covered. The techniques are designed in such a way that they can be performed both armed and unarmed.

To prepare for the training, we start with a (short) warm-up. This prepares you for the training that follows, so that you have less chance of injuries and are also better concentrated.

During the first lessons you will be personally guided by an experienced aikidoka to familiarize yourself with the basics. Our experience from Japan shows that this is a pleasant and responsible way to start.

The training courses are accessible to everyone. It doesn't matter if you already have experience. Curious? Feel free to drop by for a trial lesson. // proefles.

Class times

It is expected that people are present in advance so that there is enough time to change clothes and be on the mat on time.
After the regular training there is time for free training.

present 19.30
training 20.00 - 21.30
free training
21.30 - 21.45
present 19.30
training 20.00 - 21.30
free training
21.30 - 21.45
present 08.30
training 09.00 - 10.30
free training
10.30 - 10.45

The cost of membership is €35 per month.
Seminars and short courses are not included in the cost of regular classes.



This is an overview of all membership costs and products and by which term they will pass.
Some costs are mandatory with a membership.

Proefles Gratis
Strippenkaart € 25 eenmalig
Contributie * € 35 maandelijks
Inschrijfgeld * € 15 eenmalig
bijdrage ABN * € 15 jaarlijks

* these costs are mandatory

Holders of an Ooievaarspas can receive a €10 discount on their monthly contribution.

An annual contribution to TWA is required from the moment of obtaining the first dan (black belt). This amounts to €48,–.
There is also an annual TWA contribution for the Kyu degree but is not mandatory. This amounts to € 24,–.

For more information, please contact us. contact met ons op.